immersive interiors, studio anise, new york

Studio Anise, Soho, New York (2012)
This exhibition/recital/salon of telematic and transmedia manifestations-a ‘proof of concept’ and midsummer showing of the NYC volumetric society and NYC Grant Group-is a mash up of possible human and computer interfaces, organized by Phillip Baldwin. Thanks for Paul Anis.
“FROM IMMERSIVE INTERIORS…INTERACTIVE INTERFACES FOR THE VOID”.Artists: Adriano Clemente: somatics Alyssa Filoramo: movement Angela Freiberger: performance & sculpture Dance Code Lab: performance Ellen Pearlman: telematics Jay Loomis: auditory Lily Su: sculpture NYC GG: teleolony Tina Trio: visuals Phillip Baldwin: simulation Zoran Zelic ZZ3D: stereoscopy